How to Choose a Payment Processor

Looking for a dependable, honest, reliable, and affordable processing solution? Certain Pay can address all your needs. With a fast and easy setup process, we are looking to partner with you and assist in growing your business. The world is moving faster and faster, and so is the need for speed of process in the merchant world. As things become more and more digital, so does the movement of customer-based purchases. Going from swiped, to mobile, to  EMV, to contactless, and now voice prompts. The future is now! The question is…are you ready? 

Did you know that around 95% of all merchants are now able to accept contactless payments in the US? You can now make payments with cellular devices.- Apple / Android devices!

Certain Pay - How to Choose a Payment Processor

Processing speed is another factor to consider. A payment processor should process transactions quickly and efficiently. Certain Pay offers fast processing times to reduce wait times for your customers and ensure merchants are paid in a quick and timely manner.   Another thing to look out for is staying up to date on security measures and technology updates. New equipment with updated features and new security measures are always around the corner. You want to make sure you are going to go, always.

One way to do this is by making sure the equipment you process with is up to date. A lot of merchants forget terminals go “EOL” END OF LIFE. Meaning, that if something were to happen to your terminal you would not be covered and would need to upgrade it. It also can leave you at risk of compliance in case you are ever hacked. 

In today's market, many owners are looking for a more personal touch when it comes to their processing needs. A business structure they can rely on, and feel their business is important to their service provider. Processing ISO’s are a remarkable way to get that family feel you are looking for, that offers security, and all the technical advantages you need to take your business to the next level. Here at Certain Pay, we love to meet the merchants where they are and offer solutions to resolve day-to-day business needs. Customer service is essential when selecting a payment processor. You need to choose a processor that offers round-the-clock customer support and is responsive to your needs. Here at Certain Pay, we offer multiple channels of support, such as phone, email, and text support.

Just some food for thought from a team that cares and more to come…We look forward to welcoming you to the Certain Pay family. Reach out to us today and we will get you more information or schedule a demo!


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